These are my prices

Valentines sessions

What’s cheap and what’s expensive? This always a matter of perspective. Yes, you can have an uncle do the pictures of your wedding, or a friend takes the pictures for LinkedIn. But will that give the quality you need?

For calculating my price, I look at several things:

  • My hourly rate
  • My equipment
  • Location of the photo session?
  • How many pictures are desired?
  • How long will it take to select the pictures?
  • How long it will take to edit the pictures?
  • Can I use the pictures for the promotion of Create Memories?
  • Do you require the ‘persoonlijkheidsrechten’ or copyrights?

That means we will discuss your wishes before I can give you a final price.  The result of the negotiations will be written in a contract. This way we both know what is agreed upon.

Having said that, I have some packages, where prices are fixed. Please check them below.

ALL PRICES PRESENTED AT THE PACKAGES BELOW INCLUDES A 50 EURO DISCOUNT due to the possibility of using your pictures on my social media or website.

Non-Disclosure Clause: If you are NOT comfortable having your pictures published on my website nor social media, no worries. With a signed non-disclosure agreement, I won’t display your photograph on my platform. With non-disclosure agreement, you pay a regular price.


To make you feel even more beautiful than you already are, I give you an opportunity to lend a maternity gown for a photoshoot.

You can lend it for 15 euro per gown. During one photoshoot, you can choose to wear a maximum of: 1 gown during 1h session, 2 different gowns during 1,5h session or 3 during longer sessions.

These are some of the packaging options